Lab 09 - Vision based SLAM: ORB-SLAM3

Robotics II

Poznan University of Technology, Institute of Robotics and Machine Intelligence

Laboratory 9: ORB-SLAM3 - Simultaneous localization and mapping using camera sensor

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During the course, we perform visual SLAM (Simultaneous localization and mapping) for the racecar from the Formula Student Driverless Simulator. This time, we want to show you ORB-SLAM3 - high-speed, robust, and accurate trajectory estimation in many environments. It is currently one of the most robust and efficient vision SLAM systems.

The full code of ORB-SLAM3 with instructions is available on Github. During this class, the prepared Docker container with a full ORB_SLAM3 environment will be used.

Step 0: (do this if arm/image04 image not exist in docker images list)

wget  "" -O arm.tar.gz
docker load < arm.tar.gz
xhost +local:root

Step 1: Run container with prepared ORB_SLAM3 environment

docker run \
  -it --gpus all --privileged --network=host \
  --env="DISPLAY=$DISPLAY" \
  --env="QT_X11_NO_MITSHM=1" \
  --volume="/tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix:rw" \
  --volume="$XAUTH:$XAUTH" \
  --name=visual_slam \

Step 2: Prepare algorithm config


Download the ORB_SLAM3 config:

wget ""

Based on the information below and your knowledge, fill in the missing values. Tips:
* <WIDTH> - integer, the width of an image * <HEIGHT> - integer, the height of an image * <FX> - float, the focal length in pixel-related units (here <FX> and <FY> are the same); in this case 530.0 * <CX> and <CY> - floats, are principal points (that are usually at the image center) * <BF> - float, the multiplication of the camera base (the dimension between cameras, in this case base is 0.2 meters) and <FX>.

Step 3: Run the ORB_SLAM3 alghoritm:

rosrun ORB_SLAM3 Stereo /ORB_SLAM3/Vocabulary/ORBvoc.txt FSDS.yaml true <camera_topic_left> <camera_topic__right>
rosbag play -r 0.25 vision_slam.bag

As a result, upload the plot and screenshot from the ORB_SLAM3 GUI to the eKursy platform.